Custom Signs


Specify your quote information on the “Custom Order Details” tab.

SKU: N/A Category:


This option allows for a custom sign of your choosing. You will be selecting a number of options and providing the text you would like on your sign.  The price for each size sign includes the layout/design work for your custom piece.

  • Color, the detail will be inserted into a pocket that will be this color.
  • Border, the border can be stained, painted the same color as the pocket, or it can be left the natural wood color.
  • Size, you can pick 9.25″x10″, 9.25″x14″ or 11.5″x16″.  If there is a problem fitting your text in the size sign you select, we will let you know.
  • You should tell us what you want the sign to say.
  • You can specify an image, we like solid black and white images that can easily be carved into the wood.  If there is an issue with the image you have asked for, we may suggest alternatives.

All layouts will be sent to the email address you specify on your order before we run the job.  Please examine the images of the sign and let us know if they are what you would like to see for your sign.  Once you approve of the layout, we will run the actual sign.  Once it is finished, we will ship it to you.

Additional Information
